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On The Move
- 3 October 2023 -
No completely new faces this edition, but other staff news. Time to catch up.

Rebonjour and good luck! Some familiar faces in other and new roles:
  • A few months after her PhD fellowship ended, we welcome Clara Leyns back to our department. She starts as a half-time postdoctoral researcher on an acquired BOF project.
  • Bieke Samijn's appointment as BOF postdoc has come to an end, but she remains active in the department as a half-time post-doctoral assistant and 15% teaching assistant.
  • Another new position, but familiar face: Joke Schuermans starts as research/lab technician, she replaces Pieter Van den Berghe during his two-year leave of absence. Within Team Reseach, Joke will be the point of contact on the various steps in a PhD trajectory, among other things.
  • Also back in REVA Town: Bart Vanthillo his assignment within the GHALL has ended, he returns to his former position as educational supervisor.
At the end of last month, the non-renewable appointments as teaching assistants ended for Florien Buysse, Mathilde Joos, Evelien De Koker and Aline Jolie. Thank you and good luck! 
Florien and Mathilde remain connected to the department through other (replacement) appointments.

After a one-year 20% tenure leave, Kayleigh De Meulemeester resumes her full 80% post-doctoral assistantship. Eveline Jolie's replacement ends, but she is currently partially replacing Marjolein Chys (maternity leave).
Prof. Lynn Bar-On extends her 20% tenure leave. Marieke Coussens is again taking the replacement as post-doctoral assistant.

Vanessa Van Tittelboom decided to fully pursue her professional activities in her other employment and resigned her 20% practice assistantship. Thank you and good luck! A new vacancy for the position will be reopened next month.

Emeriti prof. Hilde Van Waelvelde and prof. Paul Corthals are continuing research and/or teaching activities this academic year.
Prof. Martine De Muynck will cease her post-emeritus activities, both within Ghent University Hospital and Ghent University, and will now enjoy full-time retirement. All the best!

As previously positively advised by the department council and ratified by the faculty council, the visiting or clinical professorships of prof. Daphne Kos, prof. Engelien Lannoo, prof. Annelies Maenhout, prof. Youri Maryn, prof. Inge Timmers, prof. Damien Van Tiggelen and prof. Catharine Vander Linden have been extended this academic year.

After twelve years at UGent and our department, prof. Mira Meeús continues her academic career at UAntwerpen. Time for a short farewell interview!
  • How did your Ghent University career go? In October 2011, I started as a half-time TAS at Ghent University in combination with an appointment at UAntwerpen. It has always been a very exciting combination, which has offered me a lot of opportunities and experiences both in education and research. I kept up the combination as long as possible, because I felt the experiences and opportunities in both institutions were very complementary. But as widely known, 1+1 is not 2, but 3, and that got a bit tough in the last few years, so I had to make a choice of one appointment, unfortunately.
  • Best memory? The fun short-ski trips!
  • What will you miss most? The fun research collaborations with many colleagues, but the most important (coolest ;-) ) will of course be continued!
  • What are you not going to miss? The traffic to and from Ghent ;-)
  • You will undoubtedly stay involved research-wise. How and with whom? I still have ongoing PhDs (Amber Billens and Elise Cnockaert) with Jessica Van Oosterwijck and continue to collaborate and we are still planning future research projects with Barbara Cagnie, Robby De Pauw and Kayleigh De Meulemeester and their team.
  • Antwerp or Beerschot? :-) Please neither... give me the Antwerp Giants (basketball)!
  • Other additions always welcome! Hope to run into you guys again at PhD defences, conferences, NY reception, etc! Looking forward to a next one!
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